Sunday 15 April 2012

Just another Sunday

  YAY its sunday....yea I tried to be excited.  But actually its a pretty decent Sunday I got a lot accomplished as far as cooking/cleaning/laundry goes.
  Going to maybe write my first healthy post today or some other time this week who knows (this is kinda how I feel about getting healthy, I wanna do it but just always put it off)  As far as ttc goes, Im kinda obsessing over on the bump always I'm kinda late into the whole internet things just downloaded PINTEREST and INSTAGRAM today so I can finally check them out.......the pupparoo is full on demanding my attention so this is pretty much it for today maybe ill actually have something to say someday

Saturday 14 April 2012

Eh,B,C The Canadian Alphabet

So its been awhile...
Actual life has just gotten in the way, new goal blog weekly.
Feels like nothing has changed but really everything has changed. So I guess this is kinda the update, but really I don't feel like giving to much of a recap
Got a new job!!!!!! thankfully*** Broken wrist heeled just fine, and life is actually moving in a decent direction.  New job means me and my guy can buy a house within the next 2 years or I can go back to school or or or....  We've officially started not, not trying to have a baby or whatever you wanna call it.  So to go with that whole deal him and I are on a new path to get healthier.
Im going to stat a new blog on that journey, and just see what happens
Wooo happy days, oh happy days