Sunday 15 April 2012

Just another Sunday

  YAY its sunday....yea I tried to be excited.  But actually its a pretty decent Sunday I got a lot accomplished as far as cooking/cleaning/laundry goes.
  Going to maybe write my first healthy post today or some other time this week who knows (this is kinda how I feel about getting healthy, I wanna do it but just always put it off)  As far as ttc goes, Im kinda obsessing over on the bump always I'm kinda late into the whole internet things just downloaded PINTEREST and INSTAGRAM today so I can finally check them out.......the pupparoo is full on demanding my attention so this is pretty much it for today maybe ill actually have something to say someday

Saturday 14 April 2012

Eh,B,C The Canadian Alphabet

So its been awhile...
Actual life has just gotten in the way, new goal blog weekly.
Feels like nothing has changed but really everything has changed. So I guess this is kinda the update, but really I don't feel like giving to much of a recap
Got a new job!!!!!! thankfully*** Broken wrist heeled just fine, and life is actually moving in a decent direction.  New job means me and my guy can buy a house within the next 2 years or I can go back to school or or or....  We've officially started not, not trying to have a baby or whatever you wanna call it.  So to go with that whole deal him and I are on a new path to get healthier.
Im going to stat a new blog on that journey, and just see what happens
Wooo happy days, oh happy days

Monday 24 October 2011

so havent posted in a bit though dont know what this post is going to end up about today. So lets just go on a little journey and see where my brain takes us.
Lots happening lately christmas is coming, same with halloween.
Haloween, to be honest with you I have this love hate for halloween. I personally Love it for the getting dressed up the cute kids dressed up and then partying with great people and of course the dirty dirty sex after with your costume still on.  But lately its been kinda drabby, alot of my friends are at the point they have young kids so they just take them out, we sometimes go to a distant friends bash but there an awesome couple most of the time, except when there being stuck up snobs. 
I dont get people like that, you know I feel your always gonna be ahead of someone and below someone else and I think its constantly changing and shouldnt matter.  Im always comparing on the fact of we seem in the same position yet they have more and I dont get how.  Were trying though
were attempting to get our asses outta debt and Im applying to school which I know will be more debt but hopefully worth it in the long run.
Excitedly were officially on the same page as far as a baby is concerned, Were trying!!!!!!! so hopefully Ill have some awesome post soon about good news ( fingers crossed!)
But even just us agreeing feels so much nicer than what was going on before.  I gotta get healthy though so maybe Ill start a blog about that, this crazy rollercoaster Ive been on for the past few years
Now I weigh more then I ever have and more then I ever drempt I could, once I got over the 200 mark it was all downhill It was the most depressing thing I always thought Id stay under the 2s Im sure theres lots of weight loss blogs out there though. and Im not a steady person Ill be super healthy one meal then demoing the brownies the next.

Wrist injury is still annoying and still no work for me
new weight loss blog to come if I ever right it, kinda scary to start cause then I might have to do something lol

Heres to still knowing nothing about everything, but do I really want to know something about anything?

Wednesday 5 October 2011

holiday cheer

this is going to be short, one handed typing is not my fortay
but just had to post something about the joyeous upcoming holiday season and In-laws.
Oh joy I cant wait
In-laws are already making a huge impact on holiday plans this year,
  • Cdn thanksgiving is this wknd and me and my other half are spending it seperately (each with our own family's) because no one can agree on dates or who should go where, I'm not invited to my MIL's house as per usual.
  • Me and my bf anniversary is in Dec but we planned to go away for a mini wknd in Nov, and now apparently my MIL and DIL will be joining us. YAY.  My MIL has officialy taken over the plans, booking same hotel (room next to ours), booked dinner for the 4 of us aswell as activities for all of us.  This wouldnt be that bad except she pulled the same thing two years ago and we ended up cancelling our vacation that we had spent months planning for.
So I will be the bigger person, I hope and ignore all negativity as an attempt to survive.

When will it be March??????????

Sunday 2 October 2011

thank the drug companies for cipralex

yes thank you for cipralex
1. Roller derby first practice resulted in: 1 fractured wrist, 1 chipped elbow, and to top it off 1 slipped disc in my back!!!!!!! yay for that brilliant idea.
2. New job was supposed to start tommorow, now I must call them and tell them the situation and hope I have a job.
3. Appartment is a mess (Kinda difficult to clean with the above injuries, making my obsessive need to clean go crazy)
4. Dog is going crazy barking at me and taking out her extreme frustrations with the fact that we cant go on walks ( If you have a husky you understand their high maintenance attitudes)
sooo as I said if it wasnt for my cipralex id deffinately not have the same attitude toward this whole situation.
But alas im more in the mindset of, everything happens for a reason.
thats all for tonight, typing like a pecking chicken is not my strong point.

Friday 30 September 2011

life is lookin up

so just one quick post tonight..

I got a new job yay, not in a field I want, but the moneys good so its good for now.  Teh way the job market is I really shouldnt complain cause money is money, it pays the bills.

Tommorow is first day at roller derby, so excited and nervous.
To be honest I cant rollerblade or roller skate or iceskate, well I can ice skate but barely cause it terrifies me.
This scares me too but im really trying to just live and have fun I dont want fear or anxiety to stop me from having fun.  and it could be a very good way to loose weight and get healthy. 
So here it goes.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

some ramblin and our little ever growin love story

Hey again
whoever actually read my last post or this new post.
Going to go try rollerderby on sat, really looks fun, im kinda a scaredy cat about falling and speed and all that but it still looks really awesome and i want so badly to amazing at it. But I know its going to HURT.....therefore im trying it without telling anyone.  Not even my boyfriend knows that im going, just incase its awful atleast I tried (less pressure).   Honestly though how the hell do you pick a rollerderby name????? I want something awesome and memorable with a cheeky sassy flaire to it.
Hopefully my brain works this week so I can think of one, and learn how to skate.
Does everyone go through this, it is just a name I think its supposed to be easy. 
Basically Im up waiting for paycheck to clear so that the bf can go get a new tat tommorow with no worries about money (ya right theres always a money shortage). Last week we went without anything to drink for 2 days ( we live in an area where you cant even drink tap water, you have to buy jugs)
so I vow to make sure we officially dont go so without ever again.  New mission, along with all my other new missions that go through my mind all the time, I wonder is everyone like this? or am I the only one.  Who knows I sure dont.  I know im impulsive and dont think about the negative I know in my posts so far they have a negative undertone.  But im reffering to how when I think/see an opportunity I just think of all the amazing-ness of it, never the consequences.  My bf says its a problem of mine, but I just let him know if I didnt think like that we would have never had the same relationship we do. 
Heres our Interesting (or maybe not) Story, you can skip this if your not interested.
We met at work (boring I know)
He ran one machine, I ran another on a different line in the warehouse.
We started talking and hanging out at breaks and lunch time, often going to the local harveys for lunch together ( I say often but I mean almost everyday)
Then it was almost over before it began, you see he didnt drive at the time and the guy who drove him quit.  Since he was going to have to quit ( and I kinda liked him) but mostly cause he was gonna be forced to quit I offered to drive him.  That led to 6 months of me driving him home, thinking how I couldnt wait to be driving to our home together.  Being the girl that I am, I tried all my mooves trying to get him, leaning in the backseat mentioning more hanging out mentioning going out, and nothing.
One night we happened to see each other at a local music scene, thats when I decided that no matter how aqward it would be and that I might have to quit my job I needed to ask him out or something, anything really.  I had to leave the bar to go to my other p/t job (at another bar) so I just texted him the bar that I worked at and that if he was interested he should come by.  Alas he did not come that night and I was mortified I thought how am I going to face him at work, and then hes gonna quit cause of no ride home.  So I went to work the next morning and he came and asked me out.
We went out on the sunday of the weekend had a 12 hour first date( no sex though).  Monday went on our second date, and Tuesday we mooved in together, and have been living together ever since.

So thats that, our little love story.
man I cant wait for the future, Its gonna be awesome (I hope)

Hopefully I dont break anything at rollerderby.....and hoping I can come up with a name.
especially no wrist injuries, trying to find a job in reception with a broken wrist would be interesting.

maybe tommorow Ill know something about anything