Wednesday 28 September 2011

some ramblin and our little ever growin love story

Hey again
whoever actually read my last post or this new post.
Going to go try rollerderby on sat, really looks fun, im kinda a scaredy cat about falling and speed and all that but it still looks really awesome and i want so badly to amazing at it. But I know its going to HURT.....therefore im trying it without telling anyone.  Not even my boyfriend knows that im going, just incase its awful atleast I tried (less pressure).   Honestly though how the hell do you pick a rollerderby name????? I want something awesome and memorable with a cheeky sassy flaire to it.
Hopefully my brain works this week so I can think of one, and learn how to skate.
Does everyone go through this, it is just a name I think its supposed to be easy. 
Basically Im up waiting for paycheck to clear so that the bf can go get a new tat tommorow with no worries about money (ya right theres always a money shortage). Last week we went without anything to drink for 2 days ( we live in an area where you cant even drink tap water, you have to buy jugs)
so I vow to make sure we officially dont go so without ever again.  New mission, along with all my other new missions that go through my mind all the time, I wonder is everyone like this? or am I the only one.  Who knows I sure dont.  I know im impulsive and dont think about the negative I know in my posts so far they have a negative undertone.  But im reffering to how when I think/see an opportunity I just think of all the amazing-ness of it, never the consequences.  My bf says its a problem of mine, but I just let him know if I didnt think like that we would have never had the same relationship we do. 
Heres our Interesting (or maybe not) Story, you can skip this if your not interested.
We met at work (boring I know)
He ran one machine, I ran another on a different line in the warehouse.
We started talking and hanging out at breaks and lunch time, often going to the local harveys for lunch together ( I say often but I mean almost everyday)
Then it was almost over before it began, you see he didnt drive at the time and the guy who drove him quit.  Since he was going to have to quit ( and I kinda liked him) but mostly cause he was gonna be forced to quit I offered to drive him.  That led to 6 months of me driving him home, thinking how I couldnt wait to be driving to our home together.  Being the girl that I am, I tried all my mooves trying to get him, leaning in the backseat mentioning more hanging out mentioning going out, and nothing.
One night we happened to see each other at a local music scene, thats when I decided that no matter how aqward it would be and that I might have to quit my job I needed to ask him out or something, anything really.  I had to leave the bar to go to my other p/t job (at another bar) so I just texted him the bar that I worked at and that if he was interested he should come by.  Alas he did not come that night and I was mortified I thought how am I going to face him at work, and then hes gonna quit cause of no ride home.  So I went to work the next morning and he came and asked me out.
We went out on the sunday of the weekend had a 12 hour first date( no sex though).  Monday went on our second date, and Tuesday we mooved in together, and have been living together ever since.

So thats that, our little love story.
man I cant wait for the future, Its gonna be awesome (I hope)

Hopefully I dont break anything at rollerderby.....and hoping I can come up with a name.
especially no wrist injuries, trying to find a job in reception with a broken wrist would be interesting.

maybe tommorow Ill know something about anything

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